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WE CAN FLY 1460mm PNP Visualizza ingrandito


Nuovo prodotto

Trainer ala alta PNP

Maggiori dettagli


135,00 € tasse incl.


Oramai diventato sinonimo del aeromodello trainer perfetto per imparare l’alta arte del pilotaggio.

Perché imparare a volare NON è difficile, se hai il modello giusto e un buon insegnante!

WE CAN FLY is the ideal training model for beginners. The forgiving and slow flight behaviour of the model gives the pilot a lot of time to initiate the next navigation manoeuvre. Owing to the perfectly aerodynamic design, WE CAN FLY can do without any gyro systems. Gyro systems are frequently installed in many training models to gloss over structural shortcomings – this model has no need for such! Also when landing, the model convinces by its inherently stable flight behaviour and its perfect responsiveness to all rudder commands.

Flying can be so easy
The WE CAN FLY training model is the ultimate model to achieve success quickly. Regardless if it is for absolute beginners as their first model or for experienced pilots as relaxing fun model. The WE CAN FLY is one of the easiest-to-handle flight models of its class.

Robust and stable
The WE CAN FLY is made of robust EPO rigid foam material and has high strength values while its weight is still minimal. The two wing halves are connected by means of a force-fit plug system made of carbon fibre. The two-part wing is mounted on the fuselage with M6 plastic screws so that the wing can come off from the model in case of a hard landing. And, if something were to break after all, minor damages can be repaired quickly and easily with instant glue.

Ready for take-off in just a few steps
The model is completely assembled and ready for take-off in less than a half hour. Final assembly of the WE CAN FLY is completed entirely without glue. All parts are connected and bolted to each other with a clever plug system. The decorative colour details are already finished and applied.

Electronics installed and wired
All rudders of this training model are designed as gapless elastic flaps and already mounted finished on the model. The 5 micro servos are also readily installed and wired as are the servo linkages. The servos and the servo linkages in the wings and on the steering gear have an aerodynamic encasing. The training model is driven by a LiPo brushless power system, which is adjusted perfectly to the model. The 40A Skywalker controller is connected and programmed ready to go.

Installed ejection chute
The WE CAN FLY has an ejection chute installed on the bottom side of the fuselage, which can be opened and closed using the RC system. The flap mechanism is actuated with a servo controller and is readily installed in the fuselage. The chute can be loaded optionally from the bottom or also from the top through the wing cut-out on the fuselage. This way, e.g. little parachutists or candies can be dropped in-flight.

Removable engine hood
A removable engine hood is installed on the front part of the fuselage. This allows for a quick and simple change of the 3S LiPo battery.


  • Elegant training model with easy-to-handle flight characteristics
  • Brushless engine and controller installed ready for take-off
  • 5 servos with linkages readily installed
  • High pre-fabrication level and therefore short assembly time
  • Ejection chute for dropping candies, parachutists, etc.
  • Removable engine hood for quick access to the battery
  • Fuselage, wing and steering gear are made of the light-weight EPO material
  • Divided wing surface with force-fit plug-in system made of carbon fibre
  • All rudders are designed as gapless elastic flaps
  • Decorative colour details already applied
  • Assembly completely without glue

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